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"In my time of trouble I like to find a promise which exactly fits my need, and then to put my finger on it, and say, 'Lord, this is thy word; I beseech thee to prove that it is so, by carrying it out in my case.  I believe that this is your own writing; and I pray thee make it good to my faith'" -Charles Spurgeon, 19th Century British Preacher


Nothing has shaped my faith more than memorizing scripture, and it is with great joy that we welcome in this promise pack-- 52 promises from God's heart straight to yours, printed on durable paper meant to be touched and loved. Join us as we memorize one promise a week or go at your own pace, store them in a box or frame them as you go, keep them all for yourself or gift to a friend in need!

· 52 4x6 cards, bundled together in a protective sleeve and then tucked inside a cotton bag. Most are from the ESV translation.  

· see our method for memorizing them